Community Involvement
We appreciate the importance of our communities and like to support them where we can. Here are some examples..
21st Annual Toys for Tots Drive
On Saturday, November 23, 2024, we hosted the 21st annual Toys for Tots ride (with NARCOA drivers & riders) on our NSHR line - from Northumberland, PA, to Berwick, PA, and return.
Before the send-off, Todd Hunter announced that this ride will henceforth be called the “Larry Maynard Toys for Tots Event”. Larry is the man who started this fundraiser more than 20 years ago. Each year since, he has poured his heart and time into it, making it the success it is.
The next day (Sunday, November 24th) , the group also ran its 6th annual Toys for Tots run on our UCIR line - from New Columbia, PA, to Allenwood, PA, Lewisburg, PA, and return.
Over the past five years, this group has collected nearly 7,000 toys and more than $18,500 for the Marine Corps Susquehanna Valley Toys for Tots.
We are astounded at the generosity of the people who came out and donated. This would not have been possible without each of you and the NARCOA drivers who helped collect. THANK YOU, ALL!
Sunbury YMCA Coat Drive
Again, in 2024, employees and friends came together and donated new coats, hats, and gloves to the Sunbury YMCA coat drive. This helped keep kids (and adults) warm this winter - at no expense to them or their families.
Thank you for organizing this drive each year, Sunbury Y!
Rail Safety | School Presentation
On October 23, 2024, Loni Martz Briner gave a school presentation about the rail industry and rail safety to the Special Education Classroom (grades 3-5) at the Watsontown Children’s Center.
Clinton County Economic Partnership
On October 9, 2024, we were proud to be one of the sponsors for Clinton County Economic Partnership’s Annual Dinner. It was a bitter-sweet event... We were missing and honoring the late Mike Flanagan, but we were blessed to hear a phenomenal speech from the keynote speaker, Cael Sanderson of Penn State Nittany Lion Wrestling.
Before coaching Lions Wrestling, Cael won an Olympic gold medal and achieved a record of going undefeated in his four years of college wrestling at Iowa State.
Rail Safety | National Night Out
We split forces again for National Night Out! The weather (hurricane) kept us from our events in Lewisburg and Williamsport, but we still had brave safety presenters representing in Shamokin, Sunbury, and Bloomsburg!
Great job to Diana, Jim, Russ, and Kyle for teaching kids and families about rail safety!!!!
A Visit from Kiwi Rail (NZ)
Also on June 14, 2024, we just had an amazing visitor at our home office - Rebecca from KiwiRail (a railroad operation in New Zealand)! During her visit, we discussed the similarities and differences of rail in the United States and New Zealand.
At the end of her visit, she left the ladies in the office with this phrase: "Mana Wahine" and "Kotahitaga", which translates to: "Strong Woman" and "Solidarity".
We wish Rebecca safe travels back to New Zealand and continued success with Kiwi Rail!!! Until next time... Ka kite anō, Rebecca!
Golfing for HOPE
On June 14, 2024, we had a talented group of golfers attend the Hope Enterprises, Inc.’s Annual Golf Tournament. This organization provides a lifetime of support for individuals with intellectual disabilities - turning labels upside down to reveal true abilities.
KSRRA Rail Day in Harrisburg
On June 4, 2024, we were happy to join other railroads and industry partners for the Keystone State Railroad Association’s Rail Day on the Hill in Harrisburg.
After a morning of meetings around the State Capitol, the KSRRA hosted its spring meeting, where Loni Martz Briner was elected President of the Association. Congratulations, Loni!
Support of Focus Central PA
This year, as many years past, we have decided to continue to support Focus Central PA. Focus is a great ally in industrial development in our region. We are proud to be a partner with Focus, and we look forward working together for years to come!
Rail Safety | Greater Susquehanna Valley YMCA Annual 5K and Healthy Kids’ Day
On June 8, 2024, Loni and her team were back at the table - collecting more signatures of kids who were willing to vow to stay off of railroad tracks and bridges. They were one of many vendors set up at the conclusion of the Greater Susquehanna Valley YMCA Annual 5K race, where they then participated in the Annual Healthy Kids’ Day.
Rail Safety | Northumberland Touch a Truck Event
On June 1, 2024, Loni had some help in teaching rail safety at the Priestley-Forsyth Memorial Library’s annual Touch-A-Truck event at Pineknotter Park in Northumberland. Like Jim Mackey, her team saw groups of kids sign a pledge to stay off of railroad tracks.
Rail Safety | Big Foot Country
When Loni was invited to join Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce President & CEO, Bob Garrett, on Big Foot Country, you better believe she took a moment to let their listeners know that railroads are 1) private property, so it is illegal to be on them and 2) extremely dangerous, as it can take a train up to a mile to come to a complete stop.
Rail Safety | The News-Item
This past quarter, like all year-round, our PR & Media Manager, Loni Martz Briner, was busy spreading the word about rail safety too. The News-Item interviewed Loni and published a great article - educating their readers. A big thank you to Mackenzie Witt for this great piece!
Rail Safety | Boy Scouts Spring Camporee
On April 8, 2024, Nittany & Bald Eagle Railroad General Manger, Jim Mackey, spent the morning with the Boy Scouts of America at the Nittany District Spring Camporee! He did an amazing job meeting with the kids and teaching them about rail safety. He loved the watching the kids sign their names, as they vowed to stay off of the tracks.
Penn State RTE Class Projects
Todd Hunter, Zac Mahaffey, and SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority staff attended a presentation by Penn State Altoona’s Rail Transportation Engineering (RTE) class. Before the presentations, we worked with the RTE students who developed ideas and concepts for possible upgrades on our Nittany & Bald Eagle Railroad in Tyrone, PA.
These students are the future of railroading, and we are happy to assist the class in supporting and providing insight and feedback on their projects. We look forward to continuing to work with PSU RTE and their future classes and programs.
Rail Safety | Saint Columba Catholic School Assembly
In 2024, PR & Media Manager, Loni Martz Briner, gave a school assembly presentation at the Saint Columba Catholic School in Bloomsburg. She taught the students about the various crafts of a short line railroad, talked about the company and its growth over the past 40 years, and concluded the presentation with important rail safety messages. The students had a lot of great questions, and were extremely engaged. At the conclusion of the assembly, the students signed a pledge - vowing to stay off of train tracks.
Toy for Tots 2024
On Saturday, November 18th, and Sunday, November 19th, we hosted NARCOA speeder drivers on NSHR (for the 20th year) and UCIR (for the fifth year), safely meeting up with hundreds of people from Northumberland to Berwick, New Columbia to Allenwood, and Lewisburg to Winfield. Families brought their Toys for Tots donations out, where they were collected for the Susquehanna Valley Marine Corps League #308 distribution center.
The result of the drive this year was $4,576 raised and more than 1,900 toys and books collected.
We are astounded at the generosity of the people who came out and donated. This would not have been possible without each of them and the NARCOA drivers who helped collect. You are all amazing and have made many children happy this Christmas. THANK YOU, ALL!
We were privileged to, again, be a Protector Level Sponsor for the Annual Dwell Orphan Care 5K.
Dwell named this event, “Miles for Minus 1” because their focus is on having one less orphan in the world, one less child in foster care, one less child teen aging out, and one less family feeling unsupported and alone.
Sunbury YMCA Coat Drive 2023
This year, employees and friends came together and donated about 80 new coats to the Sunbury YMCA coat drive. This helped keep kids warm this winter - at no expense to them or their families. Thank you for organizing this drive each year, Sunbury Y!
Rail Safety Week 2023
September 18th-24th was Rail Safety Week 2023. We did things a little differently this year… OK, a lot differently this year. Throughout the week, we posted 25 different rail safety memes. This approach targeted Gen-X, Millennials, Gen-Z, and youth. We also invited every school district in our operational area (around 60 school districts) to participate in the week (including educational awareness and Friday’s Red Out for Rail Safety) – something we plan on doing each year moving forward.
To view the album of all of these memes, click here!
You can also go to Operation Lifesaver, Inc.’s YouTube page to watch, AND SHARE, impactful videos (some even shorter than 30 seconds that really pack a punch).
Goose Day 2023
Our Juniata Valley Railroad crews helped spread the news about Goose Day in the Juniata River Valley again this year - a community event organized by the Juniata River Valley Visitors Bureau and Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce.
“Eat goose on Michaelmas Day, and you’ll never want money all the year round,” - An Old English Proverb
In 1973, the Mifflin County Commissioners issued a proclamation formally establishing “Goose Day” as September 29th. The celebration of Goose Day, or “St. Michaelmas Day”, is an example of an old custom that has continued to survive each year, because it has become a tradition for the Juniata River Valley.
We were glad to be able to take part in this year’s Goose Day (a week-long celebration).
Welcome to Williamsport, Little League World Series Teams, Family, and Friends!
This past August, we were excited to join more than 100 other businesses, and the Williamsport/Lycoming Chamber of Commerce, in welcoming teams of the Little League World Series (from around the US and around the world) to Williamsport, PA!
Rail Safety | National Night Out
How did celebrate our company’s 39th Anniversary? ...By telling kids about rail safety - at five National Night Out celebrations. We gave flashlight pens to the hundreds of the kids who use their pens to sign a promise to stay off of railroad tracks (and stay safe by doing so).
Thank you so much to Diana, Eric, Kyle, Roy, and Loni - for manning our tables at National Night Out in:
Jersey Shore
Supporting Hope Enterprises
On June 16th, Seth Barth (Assistant Director of MoW), Kyle Postupack (SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority Property Manager), Zac Mahaffey (Director of MoW), and Russ Nicodemus (Cost and Budget Accountant) had the opportunity to represent us at the Hope Enterprises, Inc. golf tournament.
Hope Enterprises is located just steps away from our Lycoming Valley Railroad offices in Williamsport, PA. Their mission is: “Enhancing the lives of people with intellectual disABILITIES by providing them with caring support and responsive services.“
These amazing golfers made us proud, taking third place (with a score of -14)!
Learn more about Hope Enterprises, by visiting their website, here!
Rail Safety | Northumberland Touch-A-Truck
On June 2nd, we had the opportunity to teach more kids and families about rail safety at the Priestley-Forsyth Memorial Library Touch-A-Truck event in Northumberland. We were blessed to see dozens of kids commit to stay off railroad tracks. We also took advantage of this opportunity to educate parents.
Rail Safety | Free Wheeling Day
We again donated bags for the Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce Business & Education Committee’s Free Wheeling Day in Mifflin County. We, of course, prepacked the bags with information and tokens about rail safety - an opportunity to teach 500 kids about the importance of staying off the rails - in one day.
Rail Advocacy | Rail Day in Washington, DC
On May 17th, 2023, Loni was back to railroad advocacy – this time in Washington, DC, with the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association. She joined 160 representatives from small railroads and industry partners to talk about what makes the short line freight rail industry unique; how we can work together to keep goods moving freely; and how short line railroads are an efficient, safe, and ecofriendly way to move freight across North America.
Fun Fact: While freight rail accounts for 40% of long-distance freight ton-miles, it only accounts for 2% of transportation-related emissions.
Rail Advocacy | Rail Day in Harrisburg, PA
On May 2nd, 2023, Loni Martz Briner (Public Relations & Media Manager), had a full day of meetings with elected officials to promote the rail industry at the Keystone State Railroad Association Rail Day on the Hill, in Harrisburg, PA. Loni’s daughter, Galia, had a great day (to the point she was doing cartwheels around the capitol).
Also joining Loni were members of the SEDA-COG JRA, Genesee Valley Transportation Co., Inc., Genesse & Wyoming Railroad Services, Oil Creek and Titusville Railroad, Canadian National Railway Company, Northern Illinois & Wisconsin Railway (dba NIWX Corporation), Philadelphia Belt Line Railroad, Strasburg Rail Road, R. J. Corman Railroad Group, McRail Insurance, and Railroad Group LLC!
Ribbon Cutting for Little Shamokin Creek
On April 21st, 2023, we were happy to attend a ribbon cutting that was hosted by SEDA-COG, celebrating the Little Shamokin Creek Flood Mitigation project in Upper Augusta Township! This was such a great project that protects many Sunbury to Shamokin residents and businesses from flooding. It also serves as a flood mitigation improvement for our Shamokin Valley Railroad (SVRR).
Supporting Penn State Studies
In April of 2023, we hosted a group of students (Olivia Vota, James Langan, and Logan Groeneveld-Meijer) from Penn State Altoona. This group of bright students was creating a news piece for Centre Focus (a news segment completed by communications students at Penn State University) and their COMM 466 class with Professor Marea Mannion.
The students captured all video with permission, protection, and supervision from North Shore Railroad personnel.
Here is a link to their finished project.
Great job on this project, Olivia, James, and Logan!
Rail Safety | Girl Scouts
On Saturday, March 25, 2023, we were excited to present railroad history, railroad jobs, and rail safety to an awesome group of Girl Scouts in Lewisburg, PA. After the presentation, the group enjoyed a fun game of Railroad BINGO.
Penn State Altoona Rail Transportation Engineering
The Penn State Altoona Rail Transportation Engineering (RTE) was looking for tie plates and spikes for a project they were working on in their program. Our Maintenance of Way team donated to this project and made sure they had everything they needed.
If you were ever thinking about getting into RTE, Penn State has the program for you!
If you are not interested in enrolling in such a program, but you are interested in supporting this program, you can donate to give scholarships to, and fund research for, future students! We are honored to have worked with the SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority (JRA) to initiate scholarships for this program in the memory of John P. Conrad, PE. John was a long-standing, reputable, brilliant, and beloved bridge engineer for the JRA.
Bellefonte Victorian Christmas 2022
This year, our corporate sponsorship of the 2022 Bellefonte Victorian Christmas included an exciting new development - in partnership with the Bellefonte Historical Railroad Society (BHRS).
A few years ago, we bought a company speeder (or track car). Nittany & Bald Eagle Railroad (NBER) conductor/engineer, Cody Martin, and others at the NBER put time and love into it - bringing it back to life. Our track car debuted as a part of community speeder rides through (and for the benefit of) the BHRS during the Bellefonte Victorian Christmas weekend. They had an amazing turnout. Follow the BHRS online for future rides like these!
Toy for Tots 2022
For the 19th consecutive year, we invited North American Railcar Operators Association (NARCOA) motorcar drivers (with the help of Larry Maynard from Central PA Excursions), to ride the NSHR (from Northumberland to Berwick and return) and, for the third year, the UCIR (from New Columbia, to Allenwood, then Winfield and return). Along the way, the drivers helped collect toys for the US Marine Corp. Reserve Toys for Tots drive.
With the help of all of the families who braved the cold weather and waited along the railroad tracks to make donations, we are excited to report $3,500 in donations and nearly 1,200 toys were collected! That is a lot of Christmas cheer for many children.
Thank you to all who participated and donated!!
Salute to Our Nations’ Veterans 2022
On November 11, 2022, Veterans’ Day, across our system, there was a stop order put in place at 11am to observe a moment of silence, followed by one long horn - in honor of our nation’s veterans.
Rail Safety Week 2022
September 19-25, 2022 was Rail Safety Week. As we do every year, we pushed the message of rail safety with Operation Lifesaver.
Visit our social media pages to learn and see more!
PCN: Pennsylvania’s Neighborhood, Columbia County
In September of 2022, Pennsylvania Cable Network did a segment on Columbia County. Our very own Public Relations & Media Manager, Loni Martz Briner, was one of the featured interviews.
Daubert Fire Fund
On August 28th, 2022, we were privileged to be one of the many who donated to a fundraiser at the New Taps Sports Bar & Grill in Berwick PA. They held this fundraiser for the Daubert Fire Fund (carrying on the efforts of the Intoxicology Department fundraiser that ended abruptly and devastatingly by a car that drove into the fundraising event). Taps’ efforts paid off, as the fundraiser brought in $3,200! Great work, Taps!!!!
Rail Safety | Bloomsburg National Night Out
On August 3rd, 2022, we had the opportunity to teach a LOT of kids about rail safety at Bloomsburg's National Night Out event at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds.
A big thank you to Kyle from the SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority for helping us spread the word at this event, and thank you to the Bloomsburg Police for organizing such a great event!
Rail Safety | Joseph Priestley House Museum
On July 29th, 2022, we had the great opportunity to meet with kids at the Joseph Priestley House Museum. We got to talk with a great group of kids about the history of our company and rail safety. They were so amazing!
In July of 2022, we were excited to participate with other Northumberland businesses in donating to Joe Snedeker WNEP's GoJoe25 fundraiser for Saint Joseph's Center!
Rail Safety & Emergency Response Training on the Lycoming Valley Railroad
June 28th through June 30th, 2022, we had special guests on the Lycoming Valley Railroad – the Norfolk Southern (NS) Operation Awareness & Response (OAR) train!
Local, first responders had the opportunity to train with NS and OAR on rail safety and emergency response.
Thank you to NS for this initiative and opportunity!
Rail Safety | Norry 250th Celebration
In 2022, to celebrate our home office’s borough and its 250 years, we had a Railroad Safety Tent in our parking lot. We also roped off our parking lot (for safety purposes - of course) and staged equipment for folks to take pictures of and pose with - all as a part of the Norry 250th Celebration.
Rail Safety | Oaklynn Elementary School
Before the close of the 2022 school year, we had the opportunity to educate hundreds of kids about rail safety at Oaklynn Elementary School’s Vehicle and Career Day!
Rail Safety | Free Wheeling Day
The Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce Business & Education Committee put together another successful Free Wheeling Day in Mifflin County. We donated Operation Lifesaver Bags to the event - packed with papers on rail safety.
Railroad Day on Capitol Hill
In March 2022, our Public Relations & Media Manager, Loni Martz Briner, joined many other railroads and industry partners for Rail Day 2022. Thank you to everyone from our Nation's Capitol who took the time to meet with all of us to discuss the value and importance of the rail industry!
Railroad Day on the Hill was a collaboration of the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association, Association of American Railroads, and GoRail.
Bellefonte Victorian Christmas
After a year off, because of the pandemic, we were glad to once again be the Corporate Sponsor of the Bellefonte Victorian Christmas celebration.
2021 marked the events’ 40th celebration!
Learn more about this exciting event at their website.
Toys for Tots 2021
On November 20-21, 2021, for the 18th consecutive year, we invited North American Railcar Operators Association (NARCOA) motorcar drivers (with the help of Larry Maynard from Central PA Excursions), to ride the NSHR (from Northumberland to Danville and return) and the UCIR (from New Columbia, to Allenwood and Winfield for the third year) to help collect toys for the US Marine Corp Reserve Toys for Tots drive.
With the help of all of the families who waited along the railroad tracks to make donations, we are glad to report $3,000 in donations and more than 1,440 toys were collected!
Thank you to all who participated and donated!!
Salute to Our Nations’ Veterans
On November 11, 2021, Veterans’ Day, across our system, there was a stop order put in place at 11am to observe a moment of silence, followed by one long horn - in honor of our nation’s veterans. In Sunbury, we were also asked to offer a 21 horn salute - which was done by our very own Navy Veteran, Justin Wagner (Conductor/Engineer).
Rail Safety | Line Mountain Elementary Vehicular Career Day
In October of 2021, PR & Media Manager Loni Martz Briner will head out to the Line Mountain Elementary Vehicular Day to teach more than 350 students about how dangerous it is to be on railroad tracks and bridges and how railroad trespassing is against the law.
In 2021-2024, we are privileged to be a Protector Level Sponsor for the Annual Dwell Orphan Care 5K. This was a combined in-person and virtual event.
Dwell named this event, “Miles for Minus 1” because their focus is on having one less orphan in the world, one less child in foster care, one less child teen aging out, and one less family feeling unsupported and alone.
2021 Goose Day in the Juniata River Valley
We celebrated Goose Day in the Juniata River Valley with the Juniata River Valley Visitors Bureau and Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce by promoting the event on our JVRR locomotive - announcing the Goose Day (Week) celebrations.
Rail Safety Week 2021
September 20th-26th, 2021, was Rail Safety week. As we have done each year, we again spent the week spreading the message of rail safety on social media and beyond.
As always, you can learn more from Operation Lifesaver Inc. and Pennsylvania Operation Lifesaver Inc.
NEARS - Portland, ME
September 22nd through 24th, 2021, we sponsored the North East Association of Rail Shippers (NEARS) Fall Conference, in Portland, ME.
CBICC State of the County Luncheon
In September 2021, we were so happy to join Chamber of Business & Industry of Centre County for their State of County Luncheon at Rolling Rails Lodge. It was a gorgeous day and great event!
GSVCC Rise and Shine
In September 2021, we sponsored the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce virtual’s Rise and Shine event. Our PR & Media Manager, Loni Martz Briner, and Business Development Manager, Joe Kantz, were on the agenda! You can watch this Transportation Briefing HERE!
2021 Northumberland County Fair
After a year off (because of the pandemic), we were happy to sponsor this cute, little train at the Northumberland County Fair - August 25th-28th, 2021.
2021 KSRRA Rail Freight Conference
On August 18th and 19th, we sponsored the Keystone State Railroad Association’s 2021 Rail Freight Conference in Lancaster, PA. The conference was slotted for 2020 (but I am sure you can guess why it didn’t happen until this year).
Not only did we sponsor this event, but our Chief Marketing Officer, Todd Hunter, presented and our Public Relations & Media Manager, Loni Briner, was one of the volunteers for the event.
Rail Safety | Danville Elementary History Camp
On July 28, 2021, we taught the kids from Danville Elementary School about rail safety!
Thank you to The Daily Item for covering the camp and our lesson we gave the kids.
Around the Valley - WGRC
We had some very special guests at our Northumberland office - Dave & Stephanie of WGRC Contemporary Christian Radio Station!
On July 1, 2021, their video of our visit premiered, as a part of their Around the Valley Series. We were glad to have them stop by. Our Superintendent, Shane Smith, gave them a little bit of insight to how locomotive works, and our PR & Media Manager, Loni Martz Briner, gave some company background and was sure to pass along the message of rail safety.
Catch the this great feature on YouTube: S1E7 North Shore Railroad - YouTube
Please note: Railroad representatives were present for this recording - at all times.
Freedom Bike Ride 2021
We were glad to once again donate drinks to the Freedom Bike Ride.
This annual bicycle ride raises awareness and support for our military troops (past and present) and honors Gold Star Families from all military conflicts and wars.
The Freedom Bike Ride, which lasts four days and covers approximately 300 miles, travels through areas of Central Pennsylvania and the Susquehanna Valley.
FUN FACT: Employees Josh Weisen (Customer Service/Accounting) and Diana Williams (Treasurer/Controller), pictured below, are US Army Veterans.
Toys for Tots 2020
For the 17th consecutive year, we invited North American Railcar Operators Association (NARCOA) motorcar drivers (with the help of Larry Maynard from Central PA Excursions), to ride the NSHR (from Northumberland to Danville and return) and help collect toys for the US Marine Corp Reserve Toys for Tots drive in November 2020. We also collected toys on UCIR (from New Columbia, to Allenwood and Winfield) for the second year.
With the help of all of the families who waited along the railroad tracks to make donations, we are glad to report more than $3,729 in donations and more than 1,155 toys were collected!
Thank you to all who participated and donated!!
Sunbury Station
Our company store, the North Shore Warehouse has a new location - the Sunbury Station, 100 N. Third Street, Sunbury, PA.
Adding to the attire we are selling at the station, you can now buy used railroad spikes from the station for crafting and upcycling!
We are excited about this move, being the station represents the latest venture by our President & CEO, Jeb Stotter. Jeb’s family took a leap of faith in purchasing this PRR Station (built in 1872) in Sunbury, PA. This past November (2020), the station was opened to the public as an antique mall.
Showcasing the building’s incredible history, the station is open Monday-Sunday (11am-6pm) offering a unique shopping experience featuring a broad assortment of antique inventory - that is ever changing; collectibles; local, handmade crafts; and of course, our company store - shirts, hats, and calendars!
Drive-Thru Veterans Appreciation Event
November 9, 2020, we were honored to be a part of a drive-thru Veterans appreciation event at the Susquehanna Valley Mall. There, we cheered on and thanked more than 180 area veterans. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful event.
Thank you so much to Representative Lynda Schlegel-Culver and her team for organizing such a great tribute!
Sunbury YMCA Coat Drive
Each year, our Northumberland office collects new and gently-used coats for the Sunbury YMCA’s coat drive. This drive offers coats (free of charge) to local families who have a difficult time affording them.
Our employees again went above this year (2020) and beyond to donate nearly 75 coats and a box full of hats and gloves to the drive.
Goose Day in the Juniata River Valley
Our JVRR crews helped spread the news about Goose Day in the Juniata River Valley - an event organized by the Juniata River Valley Visitors Bureau and Juniata River Valley Chamber of Commerce.
“Eat goose on Michaelmas Day, and you’ll never want money all the year round,” - An Old English Proverb
In 1973, the Mifflin County Commissioners issued a proclamation formally establishing “Goose Day” as September 29th. The celebration of Goose Day, or “St. Michaelmas Day”, is an example of an old custom that has continued to survive each year, because it has become a tradition for the Juniata River Valley. Further, Juniata County Commissioners signed the “Goose Day” proclamation in 1976, proclaiming Goose Week in Juniata County.
We were glad to be able to take part in this year’s Goose Day (Week) celebration.
Bellefonte Victorian Christmas
For the sixth consecutive year (2019), we were proud to be the Corporate Sponsor of the Bellefonte Victorian Christmas celebration.
Learn more about this family-friendly, activity-packed event at their website.
Trail of Treats 2019
We were happy to have employees participate in WNEP-TV's Trail of Treats for the third year.
They handed out treats to about 500 special needs trick-or-treaters from our area, in a safe environment at the Best Western Plus/Country Cupboard in Lewisburg, PA.
You can learn more about this wonderful event at

Union County Veterans’ Parade Fourth of July Celebration
On Saturday, June 29, 2019, on our Union County Industrial Railroad, we were happy to once again donate train rides in conjunction with the Union County Veteran’s 4th of July Parade.
Two (one at 1pm and one at 3pm) one-hour round trips departed from Hufnagle Park, in Lewisburg, PA, and traveled south along the Susquehanna River to Winfield, PA, before they returned to the park.
We took this opportunity to teach the kids on-board about railroad safety. It was a beautiful day and a lot of fun (despite a little bit of rain).
We donated 100% of the fuel, switching, crews, and equipment-use for the train rides. Both trips were sold out; the parade committee was able to utilize 100% of all proceeds to help cover parade expenses.
For more information about the parade and its many events, please visit the parade's website.
Transportation Leaders Meet on Rail
On August 23, 2019, the Williamsport Lycoming Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee met aboard our caboose (parked in LVRR's Newberry Yard) for their Second Quarter Meeting.
Pictured left to right: John Lavelle, AICP, PCM, Lycoming County Planning; Sandra Tosca, PennDOT; Mark Murawski, (retired) Lycoming County Planning; Todd Hunter, Committee Chair; Laura Templeton, RETTEW; Jason Fink, Williamsport Lycoming Chamber of Commerce; and Duane Daniels, PE, Larson Design Group.
John Conrad Bridge Dedication Ceremony
On July 26, 2019, we were joined by many esteemed guests at the railroad crossing at Mill Street in Montoursville, PA, to dedicate the Loyalsock Creek railroad bridge to the memory of the late John P. Conrad, P.E. John passed away this past February, after a valiant fight with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. He was our bridge engineer (contracted through the SEDA-COG JRA), which entailed work/inspections on around 180 bridges on our system. He was also a mentor to many of our employees.
American Society of Civil Engineers
In October of 2018, Todd Hunter introduced keynote speaker, John Conrad, PE, at the October monthly meeting of the American Society of Civil Engineers - Central Pennsylvania Section for a presentation on the Loyalsock Creek Bridge Replacement Project.
The meeting was hosted by Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport, PA.
Railroad Safety | Touch a Truck 2018
On June 9, 2018, we were blessed to see nearly 120 young kids sign and promise to stay off railroad tracks at this year’s Touch a Truck Event, hosted by the Priestley-Forsyth Memorial Library in Northumberland. We also took advantage of this opportunity to educate parents of the importance of staying off the tracks.
Joint Legislative Breakfast
The Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce (GSVCC) and Central PA Chamber of Commerce host the Joint Legislative Breakfasts at the Country Cupboard in Lewisburg, PA. We served as the GSVCC’s sponsor for the breakfast(s) that focus on transportation in our Region, educating the attendees about our company and encouraging them to support local manufacturers.
Railroad Safety | Preschool
It is important to educate youth on railroad safety. So, as often as we can, we like to get out and educate kids.
In October of 2017, a preschool in Danville welcomed our PR & Media Manager, Loni Briner, to speak to its students about railroad safety - an opportunity we will always gladly take. Each student made a promise to share the facts that being on railroad tracks is 1) DANGEROUS and 2) ILLEGAL! The kids did a great job with their crafts to serve as a reminder to stay off tracks.
Railroad Safety | Line Mountain Elementary School
The Line Mountain Elementary School held a Vehicular Career Day on September 20, 2017. Since We couldn't exactly run a train to Trevorton, we took this opportunity to educate Kindergarten through Fourth grade students about railroad safety.
We also participated in 2017 #USRailSafetyWeek, hosted by Operation Lifesaver, September 24th-30th. See Tracks? THINK TRAIN!
Photo by Ron Schmick of Schmick Photography
Argentina Delegation
On August 29, 2017, in conjunction with Penn State University (PSU) Cooperative Extension, we hosted a delegation of Argentinian “Provincial” officials (including an Argentinian Federal Representative).
The group was touring the area and observing Marcellus related developments. Our visit was arranged by Tom Murphy of PSU and we were joined by Roy Blanchard of the Blanchard Company. PSU provided an interpreter to translate our Director of Marketing, Todd Hunter’s presentation to Spanish.
Argentina is a country of very strong unions - especially in trucking, and it has a very weak and under maintained government rail system. The country has large deposits of shale gas and development is just starting there.
Railroad Safety | Cub Scout Day Camp
On July 13, 2017, we were glad to be able to represent our railroad at Cub Scout Day Camp at the Shikellamy State Park Marina, in Sunbury.
The opportunity for us to be there and teach young people about railroading and railroad safety was the perfect fit since the camp’s theme was: "Planes, Trains & Automobiles.” Cub Scouts from ALL OVER Pennsylvania attended the camp.
We are not sure who enjoyed our time there more: the kids or us..
Milton Bicentennial Train Rides
2017 marked Milton, PA’s 200th birthday! To kick-off their celebration week, we hosted train rides on our Union County Industrial Railroad on June 10th.
These special, rare-mileage, round-trip train rides departed from the ConAgra Brands plant, in Milton, and traveled north on former Reading Railroad lines, over the Susquehanna River, towards New Columbia, and returned to ConAgra. This was the first time since 1964 that passengers were afforded the opportunity to travel on this rail line, making it a unique experience.
Everyone had a wonderful time and we were so pleased to be able to be such an integral part of the Milton Bicentennial celebrations!
Railroad Education | Bald Eagle Area School
On October 12, 2016, We teamed up with the Bellefonte Historical Railroad Society to educate students from Bald Eagle Area School District about the history and current-day operation of Nittany & Bald Eagle Railroad.
The students were eager for this visit, since they had already constructed railroad posters to display at Steamtown in Scranton. These posters will join others in becoming part of a wrap that will cover a replica of NASA's Mars Dream Rocket!
We really enjoyed meeting the students and love the work they’ve done.
Railroad Education: | Susquehanna University
On April 7, 2016, our Public Relations & Media Manager, Loni Martz Briner gave a 90-minute lecture to 50 Susquehanna University students about our railroads and the importance/basics of branding, public relations, and integrated marketing.