Juniata Valley Railroad

565 Roundhouse Road
Lewistown, PA 17044


Norfolk Southern Interchange

Lewistown, PA (FSAC 67670)


Lewistown, PA (FSAC 67670)
Burnham, PA (FSAC 67672)
Maitland, PA (FSAC 67671)

JVRR is rated to receive 286K gross weight shipments.


Red = JVRR Track (Owned by SEDA-COG JRA)
Blue = Norfolk Southern (JVRR has trackage rights to run on the connecting track)


Todd Hunter

Superintendent of Operations

Randy Ulrich

Customer Logistics & Support


“As a valued partner to our fertilizer distribution and logistics company, JVRR supports our operations by delivering superior service to our Lewistown, PA, facility. This dedication allows us to continue to pursue avenues of business opportunity far beyond our original expectations.”
— Jeff Stine, Growmark

Congratulations to the Juniata Valley Railroad!

2023 “Jake Award with Distinction” from
the American Short Line Regional Railroad Association

2022 “Jake Award with Distinction” from
the American Short Line Regional Railroad Association

2021 “Jake Award with Distinction” from
the American Short Line Regional Railroad Association

2020 “Jake Award with Distinction” from
the American Short Line Regional Railroad Association

…..find more, listed on our awards page…..